Monday, February 22, 2010

Can u stop hair growth in certain parts of the body?

yes through electrolysis ,or laser treatment....bu they all have some effects,so think about it if u have sensitive skinCan u stop hair growth in certain parts of the body?
Get laser hair removal. Waxing is probably the longest temporary solution.Can u stop hair growth in certain parts of the body?
Nature has designed hair to grow at certain parts to serve some purpose of your good health. Don't foolishly stop the growth of those hair unless you want to invite unnecessary troubles.
You have some options:

1. Electrolysis--kills the hair follicle so the hair can't grow

2. Laser treatment-same idea

3. Waxing--painful and temporary

4. Vaniqa cream--slows hair growth so it is gone longer, less noticable, and less. Need continuous use for it to work. Available at your dermatologist's office

5. EpilStop--available at the drug store-removes hair temporarily, and retards future growth.

According to the American Dermatologic Association, those are your current treatment options.

Good luck!
yes, laser can do it!

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