Monday, February 22, 2010

Can i stop hair growth like on my legs arm pits ecct.?

i hate shaving it takes to long and something that is cheap.

not laser hair removal.Can i stop hair growth like on my legs arm pits ecct.?
the more you remove hair by waxing or epilator, the less it will grow back! try to shave with the gillettte venus it takes less time than the nair or veet,,,Can i stop hair growth like on my legs arm pits ecct.?
well you can't stop the growth but instead of shaving you can use nair or any other hair remover.
well, you can't really stop it. But Nair makes it go away for about a week!
Wax? You won't have to shave and it lasts longer then shaving. I shave and it doesn't take that long...maybe you need to pick up the pace a bit or use things like Veet or Nair[although they take longer]

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